Friday, June 29, 2012

Memorial day part 3

So it only took me a month and I have taken a ton more pics since then but here is the last of my pics I took memorial day weekend.  Miss Dez is quite the little model and I took over 500 of her in this session I narrowed it down to 80 and picked some of the best to share with you.

Her model pose

Not quite understanding where the
bunny ears are supposed to go.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Memorial weekend part 2

Second session from memorial day weekend.  I have known their youngest son since he was 11 months crawling around with a paci in his mouth.  I went though a lot with that little boy and he was my flower boy in my wedding.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Memorial day preview 1

So the Saturday before memorial day I was back at the pines with my camera.  I took well over 1,000 pics that day between 3 families. So far I have this one done so all can preview some.